2020 was a year like no other. As we enter 2021, Covid 19 is still going in full force. The case load is rising in many parts of Canada and the vaccines are just getting under way. Fingers are being pointed and blame is being assigned – all a waste of energy because governments of all political stripes are trying their best and hopefully we learn from our experiences. The loss of life is tragic and death is targeting older people, many with underlying conditions. The disappointing part is when individuals flaunt the rules and see themselves with a sense of entitlement not afforded others. Our rules are not the problem – the lack of compliance is.
In a year of such significance and turmoil, we purchased a cabin in northern Saskatchewan in January. We took possession on April 1st just as the realities of Covid-19 were becoming very apparent. The stock market reached its low on March 23rd and we really had to wonder if it was a good idea to make such a major purchase with so much uncertainty. As it turned out, it was the best thing we could have done and we have been reaping the rewards ever since. Now we know what our friends meant when they told us how much their cabin means to their family.
One of the interesting things that has happened with Covid-19 is that people are not travelling so all things recreation have been in high demand. These businesses have done well while other business sectors have suffered dramatically. All things are not equal in a pandemic.
The most noticeable change for us has been the inability to travel and now the inability to see our family as the Covid-19 restrictions have been tightened for over a month. We do video calls with our friends and family but it is not the same. We talk about amazing trips we have had to Napa, Europe, Florida and Las Vegas and hope we have not taken them for granted.
We talk with our friends about the people we all met in Montenegro that created friendships far beyond the few days we were there. We know Montenegro has been hit hard by Covid-19 and we can only hope the country comes back driven by the spirit we saw when we toured the country. When the world is right, we need to get back to taste the rakija and share a meal.

The cabin has been a fantastic getaway. The north is so peaceful and the air is fresh. The silence at night is unlike anything the majority of the world knows. There is something about sitting in the backyard by the fire pit with your family and friends that cannot be duplicated.
We watch the deer stroll by on a regular basis. They leave the area when the people numbers increase over the summer and they return in the early fall. It is common to see them on the walking trails and on the winter snowmobile trails. If you’re lucky you may even see a bear or a moose when out for a drive. The coyotes and fox are also plentiful. All this wildlife reminds me of growing up on a farm in northeast Saskatchewan where we had all the same wildlife around our farm.

From fishing in the summer to snowmobiling in the winter, we have spent a lot of time enjoying the north. It’s really amazing to see the four seasons from a lake perspective. For people who do not get to experience winter, I can tell you it is as amazing as you make it. Snowshoeing, cross country skiing, ice fishing and snowmobiling are winter activities that make winter more than bearable!

So what do quilts have to do with Covid-19?
Kathy makes quilts and gives them away to so many friends, family and even people she has not even met. These quilts are a symbol of kindness and friendship that stand out in the Covid-19 year we have experienced. The quilts are also sprinkled throughout our cabin.
Kathy has been making and giving away quilts and blankets for years so 2020 was nothing new. New babies, friends birthdays, children experiencing health issues, friends retiring, accident victims, and mostly because someone either needed one or they are just special people. Pure kindness and no expectation of recognition. Isn’t this exactly what we needed in 2020? Isn’t this exactly what we need all the time?

So where are we headed in 2021? Hard to tell but I know we will somehow beat Covid-19. I know our cabin will be important to our family and I know Kathy will continue to be the kindest person I know!
My second cup is now empty…………………………